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Somatic Restorative Training

Sama Yoga

Houston, Texas​

APRIL 25 - APRIL 28, 2019
Transformational Restful Yoga for “Every” Body
Restorative Yoga, through long held, prop supported postures, teaches that even though a pose appears to be still, there is a subtler action going on that involves a symphony of breath and body that brings the entire being into a state of deep repose and release. 

​​​The benefits of a restorative yoga class include: 
  • Powerful relaxation to access a state of pratayahara (a withdrawn state).
  • Restoration and exploration of the mind, body and soul in passive postures.
  • Energy flow and healing with utilization of props as playful tools through active restorative postures.
  • Clarity, connection, and a spirit of offering through ishvara pranidhana (the divine within). 
  • Moving meditation warmup and the graceful presence accessed with long held postures.

With a passion for teaching teachers, Melissa Smith, 500 ERYT, offers an individualized approach to restorative yoga. Her style of yoga is a blend of traditions from many teachers from all over the world spanning more than a decade. This integrated approach will take you on an journey into cultivating a curious eye when teaching and guiding you through a how to conduct a safe, transformative passively supported asana class. While there is no one recipe for every person, she will offer a very clear systematic approach to sequencing and cuing that will help you cultivate discernment in what to look for in offering modifications in certain poses for individuals with inflexibility, hyper-mobility, injury, pregnancy, or other medical conditions. 

​This Restorative Yoga Immersion course is open to all who would like to deepen their
Yoga practice, whether you plan to teach a restorative class or not. So much can be gained with the understanding of the adaptations of traditional yoga poses with the utilization of props. With support, energy is received, tension is released, circulation is improved without the need to expend great energy.
  • Experience multiple restorative classes.
  • Create a balanced practice through the structure and sequencing of class. Including: movement warm-up; pranayama; sankulpa (class intention and theming) through philosophy, asana, or personal experience.
  • Learn valuable alignment skills and cuing techniques that meet the students where they are today. 
  • Break down active and passive restorative poses.
  • Utilize props as tools for enhancing a pose in supportive and nurturing way.
  • Obtain 19.5 hours of credits toward Yoga Alliance continuing education.

If you’ve taken my previous restorative or yoga therapy immersion, you’re eligible for a re-take special price for this training only. Email now for that offer. Register here


What’s the key difference in Somatic Restorative and a Restorative Immersion? Somatic restorative will dive deep into the endocrine system. Some of the postures will overlap and compliment for clarity and specification to individuals and special population needs. We will also cover a few more and different poses than the regular restorative. Throughout the weekend, we will experience somatic movements similar to the Feldenkrais, Hannah Somatic Education and developmental movement patterns as a preparation for the restorative work.

Tentative Schedule:
Thursday, 4/25, 7:30-9pm
(workshop only option available, see below)
Friday, 4/26, 1-7pm
Saturday, 4/27, 1-7pm
Sunday, 4/28, 1-7pm

Investment: $495 
Early Bird pricing $420 through March 27th

Discount offered for Sama Teachers - contact Sama Yoga directly for more info.

Melissa is teaching locally at Yoga Source and would love to see you in person.

"Your enthusiasm for what you teach is infectious and delightful. If you aimed to inspire curiosity, you hit the bullseye. Keep up the good work. You’re my favorite yoga nerd, and I mean that as high praise.”

~George S., May 2019 Somatic Restorative Immersion 


Restorative Yoga Immersion

The Woodlands Yoga Studio

The Woodlands, Texas​

August 17 - 18, 2019

melissa smith yoga fb event banners (1).
Restorative Yoga, through long held, prop supported postures, teaches that even though a pose appears to be still, there is a subtler action going on that involves a symphony of breath and body that brings the entire being into a state of deep repose and release. 

The Benefits of a Restorative Yoga Class Include: 
- Powerful relaxation to access a state of pratayahara (a withdrawn state).
- Restoration and exploration of the mind, body and soul in passive postures.
- Energy flow and healing with utilization of props as playful tools through active restorative postures.
- Clarity, connection, and a spirit of offering through ishvara pranidhana (the divine within). 
- Moving meditation warmup and the graceful presence accessed with long held postures.
General Outline:
- Experience multiple restorative classes.
- Create a balanced practice through the structure and sequencing of class. Including: movement warm-up; pranayama; sankulpa (class intention and theming) through philosophy, asana, or personal experience.
- Learn valuable alignment skills and cuing techniques that meet the students where they are today. 
- Break down active and passive restorative poses.
- Utilize props as tools for enhancing a pose in supportive and nurturing way.
- Obtain credits toward yoga alliance continuing education with 16 contact hours.

This course is open to all who would like to deepen their yoga practice whether you plan to teach a restorative class or not. So much can be gained with the understanding of the adaptations of traditional yoga poses with the utilization of props. With support, energy is received, tension is released, circulation is improved without the need to expend great energy.

Full Restorative Yoga Immersion:

Please bring $10 cash for the manual.

Restorative Yoga Workshop Only:

Friday, August 16, 2019
Discover the unhurried approach to yoga.
Where we allow our selves to simply be.
Where even though a pose appears to be still,
There is a symphony of breath and body that brings
The entire being into a state of deep release.
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