Experience the practice and benefits of
Restorative Yoga from the comfort of home, your sacred space.
Restorative Yoga Immersion &
Somatic Restorative Yoga Immersion
May 1-3, 2020
May 4-6, 2020
Register for ONE or BOTH Immersions
Special Pricing Options
Restorative Yoga, through long-held, prop supported postures, teaches that even though a pose appears to be still, there is a subtler action going on that involves a symphony of breath and body that brings the entire being into a state of deep repose and release.
Somatic Restorative Yoga marries slow purposeful somatic moment with long-held prop supported postures. Soma (living aware) or somatics is the awakened awareness of the body within movement.
The difference between restoration and somatics is sensing through stillness versus sensing through movement.
Two immersions, held back to back May 1-6, Friday to Wednesday. While they are designed to build upon each other, they can be taken separately. If you're only taking one, take the Restorative Yoga Immersion first. If time and budget allow, both are stepping stones to a discerning practice and greater depth of knowledge.
Recognizing these are challenging times, I'm offering various pricing options and menus for the course that may suit your needs. I've also revamped this course for online to make it experiential (lots of time in the poses), efficient, and engaging. Complete manuals for both courses are included. For teachers: 30+ Yoga Alliance credits.
Bonuses: Extra pre-recorded sessions that show how to add in restorative with a "regular" yoga class, additional live Q&A post immersion, private sessions, and more.
Enroll by Sunday, April 26 & Recieve a Bonus
Recorded Restorative Yoga Class upon registration!

Restorative Yoga Immersion
Restorative Yoga are long-held adaptations of traditional yoga postures passively supported by props. It is the art of being rather than doing. A restorative practice is learning to regulate the nervous system to compliment the body’s natural healing process and need for rest.
This course is open to all who would like to deepen their yoga practice whether you plan to teach a restorative class or not. So much can be gained with the understanding of the adaptations of traditional yoga poses with the utilization of props. With support, energy is received, tension is released, circulation is improved without the need to expend great energy.
The Benefits of a Restorative Yoga Class Include:
- Powerful relaxation to access a state of pratayahara (a withdrawn state).
- Restoration and exploration of the mind, body and soul in passive postures.
- Energy flow and healing with utilization of props as supportive tools.
- Clarity, connection, and a spirit of offering through ishvara pranidhana (the divine within).
- Using the poses to create a safe container for regulating the systems of the body.
General Outline:
For Everyone
- Experience 2 restorative classes each day.
- Utilize props as tools for enhancing a pose in supportive and nurturing way.
- Break down key passive restorative poses.
- Investigate purpose, comfort and alignment of those key restorative poses.
- Learn to create a nurturing practice through the structure and sequencing of class.
For Teachers
- Discuss sequencing and cuing techniques to meet students where they are today.
- Address how to teach restorative “safely” on or off-line
- Obtain credits toward Yoga Alliance continuing education for 14.5+ hours.
Friday through Sunday, May 1-3
*Friday, May 1, class ends at 4:30pm
Friday, May 8
Q&A time, TBA
Restorative Yoga Manual
ON-DEMAND replay! Recorded & available for download
Post-course, optional Live Q&A (for everyone & those who couldn't watch live)
Daily bonus: Pre-recorded sustainable yoga class (incorporating somatic movement, poses for strengthening and stretching: sequence designed around a restorative posture)
Teacher bonus: Pre-recorded segments on sequencing, safety, and cuing techniques
Optional: Mentoring private session, includes an assessment, customized personal practice design, and 75 minute individual one-on-one practice.
Somatic Restorative Yoga Immersion
Somatic Restorative Yoga partners slow purposeful somatic moment before and after long-held prop supported postures. Soma (living aware) or somatics is the awakened awareness of the body within movement. The somatic movements mirror our developmental movement patterns and will prepare the body for rest in the restorative pose and specification to individuals and special population needs will be addressed. We will explore the systems of the body including the endocrine and nervous system within a restorative and soma movement framework.
This course is open to all who would like to deepen their yoga practice whether you plan to teach a somatic restorative class or not. So much can be gained with the understanding of the adaptations of traditional yoga poses with the utilization of props. With support, energy is received, tension is released, circulation is improved without the need to expend great energy.
We will begin the day with a short discussion of a restful pose, somatic (moving within) movements, breath work, a unique restorative sequence and finish with an extended savasana relaxation. The somatic movements between the postures will help facilitate a soma or “living aware” experience by awakening awareness of the body within. These movements will complement the supported poses by silencing overworked areas. In the afternoons, we'll investigate the principals of interoception (feeling within) and somatic exploration and finish with another restful class applying what we've learned that day.
General Outline:
For everyone
​- Investigate key patterns of somatic movement.
- Break down of the key restorative poses with focus on how each pose affects the systems of the body.
- Explore alignment principals and propping skills within Restorative Yoga.
- Discover the benefits of regulating the systems of the body, especially the nervous system.
- Learn steps to creating a balanced somatic restorative practice through the structure and sequencing of a class.
- Practice the fundamentals of somatic movement in relationship to Restorative Yoga.
For teachers
- Sequencing, cuing, and easeful transition techniques.
​- Safety and other issues with teaching online or person.
- Obtain credits toward Yoga Alliance continuing education for 14.5+ hours.
Somatic Restorative Yoga Manual
ON-DEMAND replay! Recorded & available for download
Post-course, optional, Live Q&A (for everyone & those who couldn’t watch live)
Daily bonus: Pre-recorded sustainable slow yoga class (incorporating somatic movement, poses for strengthening and stretching: sequence designed around a restorative posture)
Teacher bonus: Pre-recorded segments on sequencing, safety, and cuing techniques
Optional: Mentoring private session, includes an assessment, customized personal practice design, and 75 minute individual one-on-one practice.
Choose the option that works for you! See investment options for one or both weekends below.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, May 4-6
*Tuesday, May 5 class begins at 10:30am
Friday, May 8
Q&A time, TBA​
Restorative Yoga Immersion:
3 Day Investment:
$425 Live & On-Demand Videos, Manual, Q&A session, and Mentoring Private Session
$375 Live & On-Demand Videos, Manual, Q&A session
$300 discounted/no questions asked option —Live & On-Demand Videos, Manual, Q&A

Please note: PayPal fees not included in Investment cost and will be added during payment processing.
Somatic Restorative Immersion:
3 Day Investment:
$425 Live & On-Demand Videos, Manual, Q&A session, and Mentoring Private Session
$375 Live & On-Demand Videos, Manual, Q&A session
$300 discounted/no questions asked option —Live & On-Demand Videos, Manual, Q&A

Please note: PayPal fees are not included in the Investment cost and will be added during payment processing .
Both Courses: $850 now 20% off
6 Day Investment:
$680 Live & On-Demand Videos, Manual, Q&A session, and one Mentoring Private Session
$600 Live & On-Demand Videos, Manual, Q&A session
$480 discounted, no questions asked option-- Live & On-Demand Videos, Manual, Q&A

Please note: PayPal fees not included in Investment cost and will be added during payment processing.